We have been advised by WA Division of the death of Jeff ‘Pony’ Moore, who served in the first contingent of the RAN Helicopter Flight Vietnam.
Ian Wilson has provided a few thoughts about him:
Jeff joined pussers with only one lung. He became an AE and spent time on a number of squadrons and covered both fixed and rotary wing.
Known to many as Pony but to quite a few AE’s as Shoe, being a Pom.
Jeff was on the first RANHFV Flight and flew a considerable number of missions as a Crew Chief. I think he was awarded the Air Medal with a “V” but that could be my memory playing up.
He was a mean snooker player and was quite proficient in some self defence disciplines.
On return from ‘Nam, I lost touch as I did my Kellicks course and went to Cerberus for the last 2 of my 12-year sentence. After I paid off we caught up a few times at the Noble Park RSL along with Wayne Sissing.
Later on when I was having health difficulties I was advised to see someone in the Pensions areas and Noble Park was the closest….only to find out he was a Pensions Officer. Many months passed and eventually with my reports and application in hand, Pony submitted all docs and 3 months later I was advised my condition had been accepted. So I owe him a great debt of thanks for all his work.
We met socially a few times and I believe he and his wife separated.
Last known was on facebook which he seldom used and he lived in a caravan park with his Mum halfway between Dandenong and Frankston. Next news was that he had passed away.
If any reader can assist with other details, please use the “Contact Us” form at the foot of the page.