Dear Members
It is my sad duty to report the passing of Hank Fargher.
Hank passed away on Tuesday 4th September.
He was aged 93 and was the Victoria Division’s last surviving WW11 veteran.
Hank joined the RAAF in December 1943 and was discharged in December 1945.
He joined the RAN in January 1946 and served until July 1959.
He served on the following, HMAS Albatross, Sydney, Melbourne, Vengeance, Australia, Barcoo and Diamantina.
Hank served on 723, 816, 817, 850 and 851 squadrons.
At the time of discharge his rank was Lieutenant ( O )
Hank was a former President, Vice President and long serving committeeman of the Victoria Division.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
Yours Aye
Mal Smith
VIC Division Secretary.